Aquatoria Yachting Company for the several years has been professionally engaged in training yachtsmen for IYT courses and further upgrading qualification level, organization sailing tours and regattas. Our staff consists of qualified professional instructors and skippers, who will carefully teach you art of sailing and yachting from the beginning till Yachtmaster Ocean, and even Instructor Training Yachtmaster Offshore. In addition, our company has its own fleet of sailing yachts (Sun Odyssey 54 DS – 2 boats and Bavaria 42Match – 9 boats, based in Croatia – Biograd-na-Moru Marina Kornati), which increases every year. We can offer various recreational courses of different levels (ICC, Crew, Bareboat skipper, Yachtmaster Offshore, Yachtmaster Coastal, Yachtmaster Ocean etc). On April 2017 Aquatoria held First IYT Instructor Training Course in Croatia. Aquatoria became one of the IYT Instructor Training Center in Europe. So now we can offer our student to take Instructor training course (Bareboat skipper, Flotilla skipper, Yachtmaster Coastal, Yachtmaster Offshore).