Schools: 11
Owner: Wally Schredl (wschredl)
Types: Open, Approval
Access: Everybody
Created: 29/03/2013

220 Users | Approval
586 Users | Open
203 Users | Open
532 Users | Open
335 Users | Open
Educational Center KRAKEN was created by professionals to provide the best training service. Our school uses innovative teaching systems that will enable students to study at any time and from any place. Our principles are very simple: Quality, Convenience and Affordability. All this and not only you will receive in our courses. Join us today, become a captain and operate yachts around the world.

Навчальний центр КРАКЕН був створений професіоналами, щоб забезпечити кращий навчальний сервіс. У нашій школі використовуються інноваційні системи навчання, які дозволять студентам навчатися в будь-який час і з будь-якого місця. Наші принципи дуже прості: Якість, Зручність та Доступність. Все це і не тільки, ви отримаєте на наших курсах. Приєднуйтесь до нас сьогодні, станьте капітаном та керуйте яхтами по всьому світу.
19 Users | Open
The Marinero Sailing School provide education and certification of yacht captains and unites Ukrainian yachtsmens, champions, masters of the international class with the aim of popularizing active lifestyles among children and adults, as well as developing sailing. ⠀ The main activities of the Marinero Sailing School & Charters school of yachting: - Training in the management of sailing and motor yachts, - International certification of yachtsmen and captains in the system of International Yacht Training and certification of captains in Ukraine, Organization and conduct of sailing races for amateurs and athletes, Organization of sailing trips and yacht cruises, Conducting master classes of masters of international level, Holding corporate regattas and sailing events in Ukraine and around the world, Yacht rental around the world (more than 20,000 yachts). Sailing school for children in classes Optimist, Kadet, Laser 4.7 ⠀ The Marinero School is an accredited school of International Yacht Training and a national training center and has the right to train and certify yachtsmen in the IYT programs, as well as the national captain certification program. The school conducts training on the following qualification levels: - Introduction to Boating & International Crew (Power or Sail) - International Flotilla Skipper (Power or Sail) - International Bareboat Skipper (Power or Sail) - VHF Marine Communication Master International Yachtmaster Coastal / Offshore (Power or Sail) ⠀ The IYT license is accepted by charter companies around the world and gives the right to take a long-term lease of a yacht up to 24 meters long, for more details visit ⠀ And also the school is accredited according to the national program of yachtmasters training for small size / small vessel. developed in accordance with Resolution No. 40 of the UNECE Working Party on Inland Water Transport and approved by the State. ⠀ Ukraine Kyiv, st. Kostyantynivska, 73, 2nd floor ⠀ +38 (067) 617 51 52 mailto: [email protected] ⠀ JOIN TO OUR ADVENTURES IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN:
715 Users | Open
The 1st IYT yachting school in Ukraine since 2008. Courses: Yachtmaster Ocean, Yachtmaster Offshore Sail, Yachtmaster Coastal Sail, BBS Sail and Power, Navigation and Weather Master and VHF MC Master SRC. School has its own fleet of yachts in the Mediterranean and in the Kyiv Sea.
278 Users | Open
Стать настоящим капитаном яхты и управлять своей мечтой! Школа проводит курс практического обучения от начального уровня Bareboat Skipper до уровня Yachtmaster Offshore на парусной и/или моторной яхте. В каждом из курсов предусмотрена теоретическая подготовка заочно в любой точке мира или очные занятия в Киеве и Черногории. Обучение проходит на собственных яхтах школы - Sun Odyssey 439. Яхтинг — это жизнь и, возможно, мечта, которой давно пора осуществиться.
272 Users | Open
43 Users | Open