Ocean Master Club(#1490)
Welcome to the Gibraltar Region Yachting School! One of the most exciting regions in the world for yachting experience. We have tides up to 3.5 meters, currents up to 6 knots, different mooring methods and very varied weather. Students are given access to the online training platform nautrain.com. Which contains the theory for preparing yourself for successfully passing exams on IYT courses, as well as additional lectures developed by us. Such as: yacht charter, anchoring, sailing in stormy weather, perfect mooring, celestial navigation for dummies, steering a yacht on old Dutch ships.
Welcome to the Gibraltar Region Yachting School! One of the most exciting regions in the world for yachting experience. We have tides up to 3.5 meters, currents up to 6 knots, different mooring methods and very varied weather. Students are given access to the online training platform nautrain.com. Which contains the theory for preparing yourself for successfully passing exams on IYT courses, as well as additional lectures developed by us. Such as: yacht charter, anchoring, sailing in stormy weather, perfect mooring, celestial navigation for dummies, steering a yacht on old Dutch ships.

Associated Instructors

Alexey Trofimov

Courses Info

Contact Info


Яхтенная школа "Мастера Океана" имеет опыт обучения на все уровни сертификатов recreational и ICC.
Теория преподается на специально разработанной онлайн платформе для обучения яхтсменов Nautrain.com
Сайт инструктора яхтенной школы Trofimovas.ru
Опыт походов по многим регионам мирового океана. Таких как: Австралия, США, Новая Зеландия, Багамские острова, Карибские острова, Мадагаскар, Французская Полинезия, Бразилия. Северное море, Средиземное море. Услуги которые мы предоставляем: обучение капитанов, разработка маршрутов, консультация судовладельцев, перегоны яхт, организация регат, аренда яхт.
Наша команда: профессиональные капитаны с коммерческой лицензией до 200 тон, без ограничения региона плавания.


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